A new way to see Scotland
2017 is Scotland’s Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology. Time to tick off a few more heritage sites. To help us, VisitScotland has launched a viritual reality app called ScotlandVR.The app’s journey begins in a virtual glen, complete with a bellowing stag, a mooing cow and a crackling fire. From there, users can select one of the 26 attractions included from a map. If you happen to have a Google Cardboard 3D virtual reality headset (no, nor us), you can experience everything in stereoscopic 3D; otherwise you can see it in 360˚ view on your phone or tablet. You can walk through the prehistoric village of Skara Brae in Orkney, soar over Edinburgh Castle, travel into the depths of The Hollow Mountain of Ben Cruachan and even experience the Northern Lights.
I viewed the app on my phone without a virtual reality headset – which was a mistake since without one, everything is a bit, well, flat. I spent a few minutes looking round Robert Burns Birthplace Museum in Alloway before watching the steam train make its way over the the Glenfinnan viaduct (above). At this point I turned the sound off – the accompanying music gets a bit much after a while – and moved north to Skara Brae. When I returned to the virtual glen, day had become night. Not sure how that happened. Time to go and look for the Northern Lights…©VisitScotland
Many of the locations featured on the app, such as Dunnottar Castle (above) and Galloway Forest (below) were chosen because of their fit with the 2017 Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology theme. They’re also the places which currently attract the greatest footfall and the most online searches. However, more attractions will be added as the content is extended so if your favourite corner of Scotland isn’t represented at present, it probably will be in the future. ©VisitScotland
The app is free to download on Google Play and Apple Store or check it out here on YouTube.